IT Recruiters in the UK


At Informed Search, our experienced team of IT recruiters can help you find the right people for your business. Contact us today to find out more about our services and see how we can help you to achieve your growth objectives.

Meet the creators



I have been involved in the technology staffing sector since 2005, working for two market leading global brands and one highly respected SME. I have climbed the career ladder from being a Trainee Consultant through to Board Director, being promoted eight times during my career journey.

Along the way, I have worked with and delivered to an enviable list of clients and have built a rich and deep network of tech talent.

I have always adopted a highly consultative approach to my work, building long lasting and meaningful relationships — many of which have lasted for over a decade.

Informed Search has been a dream of mine and Jack’s for many years and now it has been brought to life!

Outside of work, my world is ruled by my two beautiful daughters who have a varied mix of hobbies and my wonderful wife Alison who uniquely understands the trials and tribulations of being a career recruiter having worked in the industry herself for over two decades.



I began my career in Technology Recruitment back in 2013 and fell in love with it. Having spent time prior to this recruiting into other industries, I can honestly say that it's been, by some considerable distance, the most competitive and dynamic industry I've worked in.

During this time, I've established new markets, managed teams of both experienced and inexperienced recruiters and forged incredibly strong relationships with candidates and clients alike.

I pride myself on my extensive knowledge of the UK Technology Market — I'm seen as a trusted advisor by a wide variety of businesses ranging from innovative start-ups through to global conglomerates, and have many relationships that have lasted my entire recruiting career.

Outside of work, you'll find me with my incredible partner Charlotte, who is a Primary School Teacher, and our young children Harry and Isobelle who amaze me every day.

Speak to our experienced IT recruiters on 

0330 133 4055

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